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Thread: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

  1. #1
    Kiss with a fist. Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups] Dranzer's Avatar
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    Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    There is a Kingdom locked away in the reality of every human’s subconscious; a Kingdom that can only be visited while asleep. It’s a place of great wonder, with lands and seas of magnitudes that surpass any to be found in a conscious reality. But all of it could be destroyed forever. The realm and Kingdom of Morpheus will be shattered, sending its remnants into the conscious realm that is our reality. However, hope still remains as the ruler summons six individuals to defend the Kingdom from the shadow that looms its ugly head. The six chosen include: a healer, a warrior, a thief, a mage, a scholar, and a beast master. They will be called one by one to the Kingdom by Morpheus himself, and will be granted special gifts exclusive to their chosen title. Together, they make an army of six with the ability to change the course of destruction – or aid in the disaster that could be unleashed on the realm in which they live.

    The Chosen & Their Powers

    The Healer – An individual granted the ability to heal another’s wounds with a simple action that involves flesh-to-flesh contact (touch). However, the healer cannot heal his or herself.

    The Warrior – An individual granted the ability to wield and modify any weapon and use it accordingly. However, the Warrior cannot control and/or modify an object that wasn’t crafted to be a weapon. For example, he or she couldn’t modify a baseball bat.

    The Thief – An individual granted the ability to open any door, or portal. Stealth and speed are key traits with their ability; they provide the chosen with escape hatches when caught in nasty situations in which defeat is inevitable.

    The Mage – An individual granted the ability to manipulate the elements and use them to cause damage to the chosen’s enemies – Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. In order to use these elements, however, the mage must have a source (which will be given to him when granted the gift).

    The Scholar – An individual granted the knowledge of the entire Kingdom of Morpheus, including its history, geography, creatures, and peoples. This member of the Chosen will aid all the others when confronted with puzzles, or if the chosen ever become separated, the Scholar will serve as the communicator between the separated parties.

    The Beast Master – An individual granted the ability to control the mythical creatures found in the Kingdom of Morpheus and use them to inflict damage on enemies. The Beast Master also holds all knowledge of said creatures, and is able to communicate with them. This member of the chosen may also use them for transportation purposes (for example, using aquatic creatures to cross large bodies of water).

    Available Characters

    The Healer
    The Warrior
    The Thief
    The Mage
    The Scholar
    The Beast Master

    Struck out characters mean that they're taken/reserved/etc.

    The Bio template

    Home Country:
    Occupation (should be somehow related to their chosen role):
    Personality: At least one solid paragraph.
    History: At least one solid paragraph.

    How it works

    Basically the RP will start out with the six chosen falling asleep in the real world and waking up in the Kingdom of awesome Morpheus. <- That would be the intro post for each character, I'll leave the possibility of meeting another member of the chosen up to the RPers. I'm trying to leave this as open ended as possible as this Kingdom is at the will of our imaginations in regards to description, etc. I'll provide a basic outline of geography, and whatnot before we begin the actual RP.

    As time goes on it would work like any structured RP - one post per character. I'm gonna hope that one post will equal at least two paragraphs. Other than that it's pretty standard. I don't want to bore anyone by going into a blah, blah, blah about how it works, but I wanted to make a point that this is a more serious RP. Proper spelling and grammar is appreciated (but that's everywhere).

    the Etc.
    I have the geography of the Kingdom laid out, I really just have to type it up. However, I'm not going to do so unless some interest is shown. The same goes for my bio on the Healer, but if someone would like to see a full example of a bio I'd be more than happy to post it. For now, one character per person. If we can't get six members total to join, but we have a minimum of three (me and two others) I think it's safe to say we can each take two.

    Any questions VM or PM me, or post them here. Whatever works, I hope some of you would like to do this - I haven't role played like this in awhile.

    EDIT - New Information:

    Geography of the Kingdom:

    The Palace – Morpheus’ palace is located in the dead center of the Kingdom in the middle of the Elwood Forest. This is the starting point of the RP – the chosen fall asleep in the real world and wake up either somewhere in or around the Palace.

    Elwood Forest – the woods that surround the Palace are filled with a large variety of beasts, mythical and not. There is one forest trail and it goes either East or West.

    The City of Eternael – West of the Elwood Forest lies the city of Eternael, the only city within the Kingdom; it is normally occupied by the citizens of the Kingdom and those dreaming lucky enough to stumble upon it. Now, it has become abandoned ruins that make the home of the deadliest of beasts, among other dark things.

    The Port of Callous – The Port of Callous is the only other outlet from the City of Eternael other than the Elwood Forest; the Callous Sea is a large ocean comprised of clear and beautiful, yet rough and choppy waters. It is also home to a large number of aquatic creatures.

    The Archaean Mountains – Dormant volcanic mountains East of the Elwood Forest, the trail from the woods leads up into the mountain passageways.

    The Mines of Trinh – Tunnels that dig into the deepest, and darkest of places of the Archaen Mountains. They have long since been abandoned and are filled with slumbering creatures that are best left undisturbed. This would be a fun place to go.

    The Archaen Valley – The rich land that is surrounded by the Archaean Mountains. There is only one way in or out and that is thru the Mines of Trinh.

    **Note about the geography – As you have noticed, I’ve only provided brief descriptions of each landmark. This is because the Kingdom can be in a constant state of change, which will drastically change the scenery. Seasons can be haywire, the land can shift, etc. I would love to see you all let your imaginations run amuck, but these are the biggest landmarks that will always remain.

    As we go along, however, we may find ourselves exploring uncharted territory – the ‘bad guys’ (which I’ll go into further detail in a moment) are trying to tear apart the Kingdom and send it shattering into our realm. The repercussions of this cause large changes in the geography and cause new surroundings to emerge, etc. This can also split the Chosen up, and generally **** up their day.

    Epiales – the enemy and its army:

    Epiales is the spirit or demon of nightmares. It (for lack of a better term) was under the ruling of Morpheus for eons until it decided to have more of a will of its own. Slowly it began to corrupt its siblings, the Oneiroi and started to destroy the thriving Kingdom of Morpheus. It started slowly, terrorizing the mortals blessed with visitation rights, causing visitation to become obsolete. Epiales turned the city of Eternael into the ruins that it is now and made it the home of the horrors that reside in its streets. It’s responsible for the abandonment of the mines, etc. Epiales will not only try and horrify the Chosen with their darkest and deadliest of nightmares, it will also try to corrupt them into mistrusting one another, fighting and ultimately contribute to the destruction of the Kingdom.

    The nightmares can take any form and can appear at any time, but the mines and the city are their bases and they will be found in hordes at these two locations.
    Last edited by Dranzer; 12-08-2011 at 11:42 AM.

  2. #2
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    Name: Mina Kiefervon

    Age: 26

    Gender: Female

    Home Country: USA

    Occupation (should be somehow related to their chosen role): Reporter - I choose a thief (You had me at the word 'portal' since I RP this character with those powers in mind in other forums).

    Personality: Short-tempered, stubborn but a loyal ally/friend. Easily gets lost but is resourceful enough to find her away around somehow and get out of the stickiest of situations.

    I usually think of my character's history as I go. For now, she'll start out as a small time reporter who is trying to make her way to the top. Lives in a simple studio apartment building by herself in the middle of New York City after moving from a small unknown town in the suburbs.

  3. #3
    TFF's Resident Messenger Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups] Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    Name: Wang Lan (Lan being his first name)

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Home Country: China

    Occupation (should be somehow related to their chosen role): Interpreter/Tour Guide. I choose Beast Master (the Beast Master should know an animal's language)

    Personality: Lan is quiet and always listening, because his job calls for him to be. Sometimes this gets himself in trouble, because he is also honest to a fault. If he is asked something, he will always tell the truth (despite his efforts to keep his mouth shut). What he lacks in muscle, he makes up for in intellect and creativity.

    History: Wang Lan was born in the US to Chinese immigrants, but his love of the Chinese language led him to his parent's homeland. He works as an interpreter and Tour Guide. Most tours he works on are at Zoos (Americans love them some panda bears). Lan loves all animals, and has a cat of his own. Lan prefers watching the hustle and bustle of Beijing nightlife from his apartment to actually being part of it, so he spends most nights watching the city with his cat Mao Mao on his lap.

    I guess if I wanted my character to look like anyone, it would be Show Luo.
    Last edited by Michael Swayne; 12-14-2011 at 12:50 PM.

  4. #4
    The Mad God Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups] Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    Name: Zach Anderson

    Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    Home Country: United States

    Occupation (should be somehow related to their chosen role): Unemployed. The Mage.

    Personality: Zach is for the most part quiet and reserved. He spends most of his time within his own mind, and is extremely intelligent. He has little interest in people, and focuses most of his attention on ideas, solving problems, analyzing theories, and answering questions. When it comes to interacting with the outside world, he is usually incredibly lazy, unreliable, and all around useless. This is mainly because he chooses to be. When he actually puts his incredible mind to use and deems something worth his attention and effort, he can excel at almost anything. He is highly analytical, and can solve complex problems effortlessly. He cares not for established methods for solving problems, and defines his own approach to any problem he encounters.

    While intellectually advanced, he is emotionally underdeveloped and has poor people skills. He has no interest in the feelings of most others, and no understanding of the feelings of the few he cares about. He is blunt, and ruthlessly objective, often offending people simply because he fails to understand how people will take the things he says. he prefers to spend the majorty of his time alone, as most people simply annoy him. He has no patience for irrational people, or the insignifcant matters most people obsess over.

    He has no interest in leading or following, and usually dislikes working in groups. He has absolutely no respect for power or authority. He doesn't care about any person's credibility or experience, neither hold any weight with him when it comes to analyzing an idea, he accepts or rejects an argument based solely on merrit, never the person making it. His primary interest is Truth. The pursuit of knowledge is his ultimate goal in life.

    History: Born with a silver spoon sticking out of both ends, Zach has grown up without a care in the world, always having anything and everything he wanted within his reach. He coasted through his school years, maintaining a B+ grade average without ever cracking a book, and is now doing the same in college. He has few friends, and few hobbies. He spends most of his time with video games and music. He is a guitarist, but has never played in a band, nor does he plan to. When not playing games or his guitar, Zach likes to lay around and think. Most see him as lazy and useless. They're probably right. He's going nowhere fast, but doesn't really care.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  5. #5
    Boxer of the Galaxy Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups] Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    This would be my first ever RP. Im simply posting to see if you think I'll do well, you dont need to include me if you dont want to.

    Name: Dorian Olsson

    Age: 29

    Gender: Male

    Home Country: Sweden

    Occupation (should be somehow related to their chosen role): Professor of Astrophysics/science. Scholar

    Personality: Looks to knowledge rather than emotion. Very independent. Very judgemental but always hyper analytical about people and surroundings before passing judgment. Open to others opinions, but will often digress back to his own. Often serious and rarely smiles. Will always help others, but will never display enlightenment. Excellent at crafting makeshift tools to measure/balance/control objects.

    History: Dorians motivation for studying and discovery comes from the passing of his mentor, who remains unknown to the world. Dorian was put into an adoption agency at the age of 4, he was fostered into a loving home and lived with a caring family until the age of 16 until they were both killed in a bank robbery. He left to pursue a life of independence, perhaps so that he no longer had to deal with the pain of people leaving him. Dorian studied at major universities with the help and funding of his unknown mentor. His life will lead toward an answer to a question that plagues his mind.
    Last edited by Rowan; 12-07-2011 at 04:53 PM.

  6. #6
    HRH Albha Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups] Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    It's a little irresponsible for me to be joining this, but honestly with the interest it's gained this could actually be the first 'successful' RP in over a year.

    Name: Detective Inspector Mary Magdalene O'Shane, CID
    AKA: Magdalene, Lyn, Magda

    Age: 36

    Gender: Female

    Home Country: Northern Ireland

    Occupation: Police Officer. The Warrior


    Magdalene sports a cheerful but undeniably cynical demeanor and through police training manages to maintain a warm and accepting personality whilst being able to instantly switch to a serious and brutal facade. She is very inquisitive and bright enough to be working for the CID*.


    Magdalene had a rough childhood growing up as a Catholic in Belfast during The Troubles in Northern Ireland, and witnessed death and destruction throughout her childhood and more by becoming a police officer in the late 90s. She was often discriminated against because of her religious beliefs and made very little progress in her career during the early years due to an unusually high amount of sectarianism in her department - which went unnoticed due to the religious 'affliliations' of the IRA.

    She was briefly married, however her husband was killed in a car crash during a business trip to Massachusetts.

    *CID: Criminal Investigation Division, think the Special Victims and Homicide Departments of the British police

    Banners and Stuff:

    ˙uɐɔ I ʍouʞ I <- uɐɔ I ssǝnƃ I¿sıɥʇ op I uɐƆ

    Last signature update: 02/08/2014

  7. #7
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    Awesome! And now I guess we wait for Dranzer

  8. #8
    Kiss with a fist. Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups] Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    Name: Tobias Hardesty
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Home Country: United States
    Occupation: Paramedic. The Healer

    Personality: Intelligent, compassionate, and sarcastic are three traits that can always be found in a majority of his interactions. Due to his occupation, Toby exercises critical thinking skills on a daily basis and is used to leading a very fast paced lifestyle. He doesn't debate decisions for very long and normally lives by the 'trial and error' philosophy. Hardesty believes that wasting time is never an option having seen many people die because of time that was carelessly wasted. When nervous or under great amounts of stress he reverts to sarcasm as not only his sense of humor, but as a defense mechanism for lack of better things to say, and to also break any awkward ice or tension.

    History: Tobias was born and raised in a small town in Pennsylvania. His childhood wasn't unlike many others of an only child. His parents spoiled him, but pushed him in the ways of responsibility and academics. He always had the medical field in the back of his mind while growing up and when he entered is late teens he decided to join the local fire department as a volunteer; he became a paramedic at the age of eighteen. From then to the present now he has moved out on his own, now living in a small apartment in Philadelphia. His academic career is in the middle of its life as he's working his way to obtaining his PA (Physician's Assistant).


    First, thank all of you for joining! I can't wait to get this started. I edited my first post with extra information, if you need more just ask I kind of typed it up in a hurry. I apologize for the delay, work has kind of kicked my ass this week and I've been too tired to write much when I would get off.

    @Aldha: The Beast Master does know animal languages, however the Beast Master cannot control the creatures related to Epiales - he can only use the mythical creatures of the Kingdom to fight them.

    @Rowan: Of course you can join! If you need any help VM me and I'll be glad to help you out. Since you chose the Scholar I'll be VMing or PMing you periodically with some information as we go along so you won't feel totally lost and can incorporate some history info into your posts. I'm glad it interested you enough to join in.

    All right, I gotta head to work now, but I'll be posting up the actual RP thread tonight when I get home. I'm excited to get this started, thanks again for joining everyone!

    soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur
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  9. #9
    TFF's Resident Messenger Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups] Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    Is my job as the Beastmaster similar to the Beastmaster Job Class in Final Fantasy V (where I would have to capture the animals in order to use them) or like a basic summoner (you said I control mythical creatures) or a combination of both (like where I would have to catch them and then I can summon whenever)?

    Another question: Can we fall asleep however we want? You were knocked unconscious. I am wondering if I can just go to bed and fall asleep.

    One more question (for now): Do we have our abilities as soon as we enter the Kingdom, or do we have them granted to us at a certain point?
    Last edited by Michael Swayne; 12-11-2011 at 11:39 AM.

  10. #10
    Kiss with a fist. Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups] Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    The job is more like a summoner you don't have to capture said creatures. You can fall asleep anyway you want (& was he knocked unconscious or was he already dreaming?). You can get to the Kingdom however you'd like your character just needs to be asleep to get there; let your muse run wild.

    && no, the chosen won't have their abilities until they meet Morpheus in the palace - sorry I should have explained these things better, but thank you for asking to double check.

    soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur
    happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.
    PRK9 ♥ Prestige+ ♥ GDEAA

  11. #11
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    I saw the thread has already started yay! I will post tomorrow *rarely posts anything during the weekends* ^^

  12. #12
    Boxer of the Galaxy Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups] Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    I also saw the thread has opened. Ill most likely post tomorrow, sorry If im holding people up at the moment, but ill only have time to post tomorrow. Is there a certain order people have to post in?

  13. #13
    Kiss with a fist. Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups] Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    I think we'll go by the rule that everyone gets to post once before anyone else can make a second one, so just pay attention to who you post after that way you'll know when your next turn is. Since there's six of us, I think that's the only fair way of doing it to make sure nobody gets skipped. Sound good?

    soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur
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  14. #14
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    Sounds good. Only problem I see is if someone goes inactive without giving any heads up (it could happen for many reasons obviously), should we give a max number of days waiting so it doesn't hold up the rest of the participants?

  15. #15
    Kiss with a fist. Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups] Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    I think that would be prudent, let's say three days unless we're given notice? Does that sound fair enough to everyone?

    soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur
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    PRK9 ♥ Prestige+ ♥ GDEAA

  16. #16
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    Yep sounds good to me. I also should a post up sometime today

  17. #17
    Kiss with a fist. Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups] Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    I just want to give you all a head's up that Rowan has informed me that he's going to be MIA for awhile. However, this isn't going to interrupt the RP as he's given me permission to take over his character until he returns. The posting order should stay the same, I'll just be filling in his slot with Dorian. The intro posts look good everyone! <3

    soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur
    happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.
    PRK9 ♥ Prestige+ ♥ GDEAA

  18. #18
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    Aww okay. Well it's good that the RP continues even with his absence though. Thanks for the heads up

  19. #19
    Kiss with a fist. Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups] Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    So, in my excitement about getting this started I realized that I totally left out a part in the biographies for a character description. I've been so used to RPing on boards where we normally just pick actors for a character face to save time. That being said I'll give you all a choice, you can either post up a short description, or pick an actor/actress to play your character. I realized this may be an issue since our characters are beginning to interact and we don't really have a good clue about what they look like so describing them will be difficult.

    That being said, here are my two:

    Ryan Gosling - Tobias
    James McAvoy - Dorian

    I'll be getting my post up tonight, I apologize for the day delay - work kept me an hour and a half longer last night because my relief didn't show up. :/

    soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur
    happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.
    PRK9 ♥ Prestige+ ♥ GDEAA

  20. #20
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    Nice! They kinda look like brothers O_O

    Well I don't have a particular actress in mind when I conceptualized Mina's character.

    This character is one of the toons I used in various RPGs for a few years now. After various drawings I made of her (same char in my avy and banner atm), it looks like a younger version of Monica Belluci would suit her looks well. Someone who's got both the good girl/bad girl vibe:

    (warning NSFW - but this is the one that seem to portray Mina's look most accurately)
    Last edited by Quistis; 12-14-2011 at 12:59 PM.

  21. #21
    TFF's Resident Messenger Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups] Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    I decided to just update my character profile with the picture. But just in case, I will post the link here as well.

    Show Luo - Wang Lan

  22. #22
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    So where is everyone? O_O although I dont expect much activity since it's the holiday week/s XD

  23. #23
    TFF's Resident Messenger Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups] Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    I am working on my next post. But really it depends on how Dranzer's post for Rowan's character goes. Since we don't know where Dorian is going to land, there isn't much to go on. I have talked to Albha a little, since our characters are in the place.

    Otherwise, I have no plans (that I know of). So, I will be free to post whenever.

  24. #24
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    I think Dorian is actually talking to Mina atm. So I am basically just waiting for Dranzer-->Heartless Angel to post before I reply as that is the sequence that we have atm lol

  25. #25
    TFF's Resident Messenger Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups] Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    You're right. I didn't know that Rowan made a post before Albha. The posts were made a half-hour apart, so it was a simple mistake on my part. I will work a little harder on my post then. Since I am right before you.

  26. #26
    Kiss with a fist. Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups] Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    I'm still working on my post for Toby. Sorry for the hold up my job comes with a total unexpected factor; I worked from 3pm to 7:30am Thursday night so I'm just now finally getting my brain out of the twilight zone. I haven't had the opportunity to think out Dorian's post yet, it may take me a few posts to get IC well for him.

    soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur
    happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.
    PRK9 ♥ Prestige+ ♥ GDEAA

  27. #27
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    Quote Originally Posted by Dranzer View Post
    I'm still working on my post for Toby. Sorry for the hold up my job comes with a total unexpected factor; I worked from 3pm to 7:30am Thursday night so I'm just now finally getting my brain out of the twilight zone. I haven't had the opportunity to think out Dorian's post yet, it may take me a few posts to get IC well for him.
    No worries. I can wait

    And I changed my avatar, it's a WIP painting that I am doing atm but Mina pretty much looks like that in my imagination. lol

    edit - no it's not a WIP anymore lol
    Last edited by Quistis; 12-21-2011 at 03:37 PM.

  28. #28
    TFF's Resident Messenger Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups] Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    I was just wondering how everyone is doing with their posts. I have one nearly finished, but I don't know how far I should go in my story until Dranzer and Heartless Angel post.

  29. #29
    The Mad God Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups] Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    I have no plans for a next post as of yet, not enough has happened. Don't feel obligated to wait for me to post before continuing on. I'll post more soon as I have more to say. When the story's moving faster, I'll be posting more frequently, but when things move slowly like this, I'll probably be sitting and waiting for a while between posts. Once someone or something (like the story progressing to a point where I have to do something again) forces me to respond, I will.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  30. #30
    HRH Albha Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups] Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom of Morpheus [info + sign-ups]

    Damn you all!

    Getting my hopes up

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